Helpful Tips In Protecting Students From Bullying


There are actually a lot of reports of bullying in schools. Usually, students that are bullied suffer from depression, anxiety, mental health problems and health problems. Students that are bullied are usually involved in physical fights.

These students also suffer academically. Bullying is a known issue in schools. It is very important that schools have supportive learning and safe environment. A lot of schools prioritizes the safety of all of their students. But, even if schools are committed to the safety of their students, there are still children that are being bullied. Bullying can actually be prevented if schools address this issue. However, there are still some schools that do not believe that addressing bullying is not their responsibility.

It is easier to face bullying if the school administration and the parents will work together.


Here are helpful tips in preventing bullying:

Principal should have a culture change. Principals should not use their status as a leader to invoke change, instead they should always listen first before acting so that all of their staff will feel that they are valued. If the staff of the school feel valued then they will have the willingness to intervene in different situations such as bullying. This is actually surveyed.

Next thing that the principal must do is to assess the extent of the problem. They must know where it started and when it started so they can take preventive measures. The principal must create and implement a code of conduct for the whole school. The school to prison pipeline solutions of should focus on proper school values and behavior that are not accepted and its consequences. Teachers should be trained in order for them properly identify inappropriate behavior and how to respond it. The principal should increase adult supervision in the whole school, because survey shows that bullying usually happens when there is no adult present.

They should have visible sight in stairwell, hallways, locker rooms and in cafeterias. The school must also conduct activities regarding bullying prevention like communications campaign, school assemblies and other activities that can bring the students of the school together. It is also vital that teachers should also have a bully free zone in the classrooms. Teachers must know the policies on bullying so they know how to prevent it. Teachers should listen to every student especially when they have concerns. Teachers  should do activities that will help their students identify bullies. Some activities like letting them watch television shows or read books. Learn about anti bullying programs here!

Another things that teachers can do is to have class meetings so every student can talk about their relationship with other students. For further details regarding bullying prevention, check out